Sunday, February 8, 2009


Ahh, the internet, where crazy ideas, which should be utterly destroyed, go to live on. If you ever have a crazy idea, fetish, or addiction, there's a forum out there that will support, nay, encourage your problem.

One of my favorites are crystal machines: There are a myriad of forums set up detailing how to set up quartz and amethyst "channeling stations" wherein you chant and direct your energy into fulfilling your wishes. The naysayer in me thinks some company out there is making money selling this crap. The realist in me is thinking they believe they are selling a service to generally help people.

Love the phrase, "The Atlantean Power Rod contains the very essence of ancient advanced science," in the article I just linked.

As far as science that I think is phony but haven't at all looked into (really, I swear) that would have to be Extenze and the myriad of other penis enlargement commercials that assault me oh so subtly when I'm trying to watch old episodes of the Twilight Zone on Scifi at 3am.

On one hand, a million consumers cant be wrong, right? Did you know that Kit Kats are insanely popular in Japan because the Japanese phrase "kitto katsu" roughly translates to "I hope you succeed!" There are a myriad of products in Japan that are popular because their Kanji sort of looks like Japanese phrases.

From what I remember reading, Extenze is basically an herbal supplement with a kick. It has all those weird herbs that haven't been tested, or haven't been tested well, that people swear will work and usually involves the phrase, "ancient chinese secret." Scientists are too busy to look into the chemical composition of these herbs, but you think the penis scientists would be right on that.

On the other hand, I assume that Extenze and a lot of those other products rely on chemicals that increase blood flow, such as Viagra does. That doesn't really count though... right?

Still, possibly poisoning yourself beats bee stings:,23739,21897789-7642,00.html


  1. My mother is a complete crystal nut! I guess I can believe that their are websites devoted to far as herbal supplementation goes - yeah never know which are going to work and which never will work, but people think they do. In Costa Rica, the men eat green sea turtle eggs for virility (Que Rico!) No matter how hard the conservation movement tries to protect these poor critters, some macho native will be digging up the eggs thinking they will increase his libido.
