Thursday, February 19, 2009


Deforestation, and the lumber industry in general, is downright criminal. At least in the United States we have some semblance of rules put into place to somewhat replant when we take over land for shopping malls. My dad was a forest ranger for years and he would constantly complain about the type of trees that they use. Destroying rare and complex trees and replanting generic seedlings can cause massive problems... also, do you think the US Forest Service is immune to all the weird budget stuff lawmakers connive to make room for tax cuts?

A lot of the plants and wood we use comes from Canada. I wonder how well their government is set up in monitoring wood usage and replanting forests.


  1. That's very interesting. I didn't know that most of the plants and wood we use comes from Canada. It would be interesting to research how other countries use and replant forests.

  2. To tell you the truth, we taxpayers are actually paying the loggers to remove trees on US Forest Service land through federal subsidies. So...paying to denigrate our just doesn't make any sense.
